Women Are Still Being Stoned in the Media.

The term witch is derived from an Old English word with the prefix of wicca/wicce. This is a word that dates before the coming of the Abrahamic religions for a male or female witch that uses sorcery to connect with the divine spirit and focus on a manifestation of a change in fate. In the new age religion, Wicca, the term Witch refers to a male of female follower of this religion. January 25, 2013 marks the release date of the U.S. film, Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters. This movie is a brutal mockery to those who practice the craft, and most directly, women.

Based upon the fairly old childhood frightening tale, Hansel and Gretel by the Grimm Brothers, the two characters are given their plot for revenge on all witches who are in this case an incarnation of evil after being lured into the house made of sweets and escaping her wrath on innocence by throwing her into an oven. The film continues to bash female witches as evil and harmful to society and all cultures included. At one point an all out genocide is called for upon the witches living within the forest who are depicted to have blood sanctioned rituals guided by phases of the moon. During a town meeting, one of the citizens actually calls to, “Burn them all!” The “grand high witch” is depicted to shape-shift in one scene from a gorgeous representation of the Goddess Artemis to seduce and calm the civilian male witch hunters. Seconds after the men are aroused with lust she morphs into a decaying and decrepit woman who turns on them, causing hearts to explode and maggots to pulse under their flesh which leads to death. The finale of the film leads to the success of Hansel and Gretel when they infiltrate the mass gathering of evil incarnated into women practicing their children blood consumption ritual under the full moon. Hansel and Gretel partner with a “good witch” who blesses all of their bullets with a stock of charged water. The bullets prove a success when the first witch is killed and the team of witch hunters unleash their hell fire upon the group of women.

This film is not only a mockery of people who honor the dwelling of Earth and respect each of the elements within the universe as a form of both feminine and masculine divinity, it is an outright slaughtering of women. The imagery and setting used are geared towards young adults who are fascinated by action, guns, and fantasy in film. There is very little positive reflection of the feminine role in this movies culture. The character Gretel is even slapped by one of the city’s spokesmen.

Movies and tales like this have been around since the divine feminine aspect of religion have become suppressed. The rising of the influence of Abraham has suppressed women, and culture. Holy books of various religions call for the suppression of women and stoning of insubordinate women. The practice of Witchcraft and Wicca goes against that. So today, because of masculine based religious influence words like “witch” and various derivations are used to belittle women. The psychological effects of these suggestions that women can be incarnations of evil can only be detrimental to working towards equality and respect of all humankind.

This movie may not have been so disgusting and offensive if it didn’t use only women as the incarnation of evil and omitted the term witch from its dialogue. This is a tale that shouldn’t be forgotten as it uncovers the downfalls of early colonial mankind, let us never make these mistakes again. If the film could have shed some light into empowering the religions that celebrate union of the genders, it might not be so ridiculous. It is too often that something that could generate an impact on how people coexist and a look into our history as a merging culture, is used to generate dollars and a numbing sensational appeal. The film is still in American theaters for an undetermined amount of time but is facing ridicule among the pagan community as well as receiving horrible reviews for dullness. There are, however, still those who enjoy this type of entertainment.Image

Blessed Be.

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